With Invisalign, you can subtly straighten your smile with a progression of removable, nearly-invisible aligners.
With Invisalign clear aligners, you can get the beautifully straight smile of your dreams without the clunky, uncomfortable metal brackets of traditional braces. Invisalign utilizes a series of custom-made dental appliances that gradually straighten your smile by applying gentle, consistent pressure to the teeth. The biggest draw of clear aligner therapy is the discreet look, as the aligners are made of clear thermoplastic material that is nearly invisible when worn. If you’re struggling with crowded teeth or gaps, Invisalign may be right for you.
You can start treatment on the same day as your exam.
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Compliment your newly aligned teeth by making them pearly white! Take advantage of our whitening membership after completing your clear aligner therapy!
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Instead of working around brackets and wires, simply remove your aligners to floss and brush your teeth with ease.
Made from flexible, BPA-free plastic, clear aligners are custom-designed to apply gentle yet consistent pressure to guide your teeth into precise alignment.
No worrying about diet limitations. Remove your clear aligners to eat or drink, brush your teeth, and replace your aligners.
During your initial consultation, Dr. Tauber will determine if Invisalign clear aligner therapy is right for you. First, we’ll examine your oral health to check for gaps and crowding, and ensure your gums are healthy enough for treatment. You’ll also go over your smile goals with your doctor and decide on a treatment plan that fits your needs and lifestyle.
We will then take a scan your teeth with our iTero scanner to create a model of your bite that we upload into our tooth-movement software. Dr. Tauber then takes time to plan all of the necessary tooth movements to create your perfect smile. Once the plan is complete, your case is sent off for fabrication where all of your aligners are custom crafted and assembled for your delivery appointment.
Once we receive your clear aligners, you’ll return to the office where Dr. Tauber will check to ensure they fit just right and make any needed adjustments. We will provide you detailed instructions about how to wear and care for your new aligners. You will wear each set of aligners for 20-22 hours per day for 1 week at a time. Thereafter, you’ll return to our office to pick up your next set of aligners and to ensure your smile is making the proper progress. Once your treatment has been completed, you will be measured for your final retainers.
Yes! All aligners are made of BPA-free, medical-grade clear plastic for your comfort and continued health and well being.
While traditional braces rely on metal or ceramic brackets that are secured to each individual tooth and connected by metal wires, Invisalign clear aligners gently and discreetly shift your teeth with barely noticeable plastic trays. Patients also find clear aligners to be more comfortable than traditional braces, because there are no sharp points to cause irritation or discomfort. Plus, clear aligners are easily removable so you can quickly take them out for meals, photos, and other functions, and place them back in at any time. However, clear aligners aren’t right for everyone. If you’re struggling with more complex issues like a malpositioned jaw or severely misaligned bite, braces are a more versatile and powerful type of orthodontic treatment.
Invisalign utilizes a series of custom-crafted aligners that gradually straighten your teeth over time. Each aligner tray is worn for about one week, and will gently shift your teeth closer to their ideal placement. Depending on the severity of the misalignment, treatment can take anywhere from several months up to two years, though most patients wear their clear aligners for about a year.
While the length of treatment can vary based on each patient’s individual needs, Invisalign can often provide quicker results than traditional braces. Because the aligners push on all teeth, instead of pulling or pushing on each tooth individually like with traditional braces, they can dramatically, but gently, shift your teeth faster. However, to achieve the results you’re looking for in the least time possible, it’s important to follow your doctor's instructions for wearing your custom-made clear aligners.
The cost of Invisalign can vary from patient to patient. A variety of factors, like the aligner brand you use and the insurance you have can affect the cost of your treatment. To find out how much you’ll pay, schedule a consultation with Dr. Tauber today!