You may have heard about palatal expansion but might not be entirely sure what it entails. Palatal expansion is an orthodontic treatment that widens your upper jaw, also known as the palate. This procedure is primarily performed on children whose jaws are still developing. It's a proactive solution to prevent or correct problems such as crossbites, crowding, and impacted teeth. By widening the upper jaw, it allows the lower and upper teeth to fit together better, leading to a more comfortable and effective bite.
If you or your child have a narrow upper jaw, palatal expansion can be a game-changer. This treatment can correct crossbites where the upper teeth bite inside the lower ones, which can lead to asymmetric jaw growth if left untreated. Palatal expansion can also create more space in a crowded mouth, reducing the need for tooth extraction in the future. Moreover, it can help with breathing issues. A narrow palate can sometimes lead to a constricted nasal passage. By expanding the palate, it can open up the nasal passages, leading to improved breathing. Contact your Alpharetta orthodontist to get started today!
A palatal expander is custom-made to fit seamlessly!
See real patient success stories.
Palatal expansion doesn't just align your teeth—it can also significantly improve your breathing. A narrow upper jaw can constrict the nasal passages, leading to mouth breathing, snoring, or sleep apnea. By expanding the palate, it can increase the width of the nasal passages, promoting better airflow and healthier breathing habits.
Early intervention with palatal expansion can prevent a host of future dental problems. It can correct crossbites and crowding, reducing the risk of uneven wear on the teeth, gum disease, and speech issues. It can also reduce the likelihood of needing tooth extractions or more invasive orthodontic treatments in the future.
By correcting crossbites and expanding the upper jaw, palatal expansion can lead to more balanced facial symmetry. This not only improves the function of the mouth and jaw but also enhances the aesthetic aspect of the face, boosting self-confidence.
The first step in the palatal expansion process involves a thorough consultation with Dr. Korry Tauber at Stable Orthodontics. Dr. Tauber will evaluate the patient's oral condition and determine the necessity of a palatal expander. If required, a custom-made expander will be designed to fit the patient's mouth perfectly.
The next step is the placement of the palatal expander. This device, usually made of metal and plastic, is attached to the upper molars with bands or bonded brackets. It fits over the roof of the mouth and has a special key used to gradually widen the expander over time.
After the placement of the palatal expander, there will be an adjustment period. During this time, Dr. Tauber will guide you on how to use the special key to gradually widen the expander. This process gently separates the palatal bones, allowing new bone to form in the gap. Over time, this leads to a wider, more accommodating upper jaw.